Archive for August, 2010

Bad at blogging

Hi all. Sorry it has been so long for me to blog again. What can I say… I’ve been busy running the magazine. I’ll try to do better but I’m not promising anything. I’m one of those irritating people who have a broken sense of time. I start each day thinking I’m going to get a long list of tasks done, but before I know it, it’s 6 pm, and I haven’t even come close to finishing half of the items on my list. Not because I don’t work hard but because I have unrealistic expectations of what I can accomplish in a given amount of time.

We had our first drawing for the “give away” project. For the July/August issue it was TABASCO by Jude Designs. Ilene Rubin was our winner. Congratulations Ilene.

We plan on having a drawing for subscribers in each issue. I was recently questioned about this by a woman who buys her copy from her LNS. There are two reasons behind offering the contest for subscribers only. One is that we can do the drawing by the customer number which keeps it anonymous. We know many of our readers and we didn’t want to be accused of hand picking the winners. The second reason is that we want to reward our loyal subscribers. We do appreciate all of our readers but without subscribers, Needlepoint Now wouldn’t be here. Thank you for supporting us. We hope to be here for a long time supporting your needlepoint habit.

In the next issue you have Melissa Shirley’s “Ribbon Candies” to look forward to. We will be having a drawing for two of the designs. These are really fun, easy pieces to stitch and self finish. I think I may even be able to do it.

Until next time, happy stitching!


August 12, 2010 at 12:11 am Leave a comment

NNeditor’s Calendar of Posts

August 2010